Jeff Wisnom (Just-Jeff)

Happy Summer!
As I write you today, the rain has returned here in Belgium. Personally, I do not think it is ever very far away. 😉 As some of you know from my Facebook posts, I was in Italy over the weekend where I hiked in the Dolomites and enjoyed the local cuisine. It was a short sunny visit, and when I came back to Brussels last night, I was very happy to find the sun shining here in Belgium too. Naturally, I went out last night to enjoy it! I know the Belgians love the sun, because every time the sun comes out, they immediately sit out on the Terrace to enjoy it (I do too). I hope today’s rain stops soon, so we can again enjoy some more summer sun here in Belgium! J
First Album: My first album “Take A Chance” was published on iTunes, Amazon and CD Universe earlier this year and it is available on Spotify too. I am excited to tell you that even SHAZAM identifies the songs on the album with me as the artist and show the cover of the album! Hey, I am new to this, so THAT is a big deal for me! So add me to your Spotify playlist, sit back and relax, I ‘ll provide the mood music 😉
Next gigs: My next gig is at the Bru House Summer Party on Saturday, 19 August (this Saturday). I am on the stage at 5pm (17h00). This time I have a special surprize, my musician friend Tom Murphy will join me for the second part of my show and we will be doing some duets and harmonies for some new cover songs and old favorites. Based on our practices, we sound good! I hope you can join me; my gigs are ALWAYS more fun when you are there! The Bru House is a fun place to relax, listen to tunes and enjoy a drink. The summer party is the best! Brad blocks off the street and brings in a few bands to provide live music. There is even a professional sound guy! (I never sounded so good ;-)). I will continue to play our favorite covers, and I have added to the mix. So, be ready for some surprizes 😉 There is only one piece of BAD NEWS … this is the LAST SUMMER PARTY, because the Bru House will close its doors in September this year. L We will miss you BRU HOUSE!
I am working to play at a couple of other venues, but I do not have anything new to share with you yet. A couple of friends have suggested some other venues and I am following those ideas up, as well as looking on my own. I am always open to suggestions for new or repeat venues, so if you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Your suggestions help me a lot!
Music Videos and Photos: Check out my YouTube channel: (Jeff’s Music on Youtube). You can see the music videos I have created with the help of my photography and editor friends. Check out the videos and tell me what you think. Stand by for more, this is getting interesting.
New Covers: I am working a couple of new covers. I will not say more right now, except that they will be a part of my next show. A couple are vintage, but a couple are current Pop songs too. I always like to surprise you with a new song or two.
Other Music:
I also sing with the “World Famous” Manniken Pistols (MPs). I will be singing with the MPs again in October. It looks like 14 October at 21h00 at the Scott’s Bar in Brussels). More details as we get closer.
Well, that’s it for now. Enjoy these summer days where ever you may be. I wish you much sunshine and relaxing moments. I look forward to seeing you soon for more music and fun!
Sincerely, Jeff